New Zealand: On 15/01/2025, a flood started in New Zealand, lasting until 17/01/2025 (last update). The flood caused 0 deaths and 0 displaced . Madagascar, Mozambique, Comoros: From 08/01/2025 to 16/01/2025, a Tropical Cyclone (maximum wind speed of 201 km/h) DIKELEDI-25 was active in SWIndian. The cyclone affects these countries: Madagascar, Mozambique, Comoros (vulnerability High). Estimated population affected by category 1 (120 km/h) wind speeds or higher is 0.713 million . Republic of Congo: On 14/01/2025, a flood started in Republic of Congo, lasting until 16/01/2025 (last update). The flood caused 3 deaths and 0 displaced . Central African Republic: On 09/01/2025, a forest fire started in Central African Republic, until 16/01/2025. Nigeria: On 12/01/2025, a forest fire started in Nigeria, until 16/01/2025. Argentina: On 08/01/2025, a forest fire started in Argentina, until 16/01/2025. Central African Republic: On 11/01/2025, a forest fire started in Central African Republic, until 16/01/2025. Central African Republic: On 12/01/2025, a forest fire started in Central African Republic, until 16/01/2025. Sudan: On 06/01/2025, a forest fire started in Sudan, until 16/01/2025. Central African Republic: On 11/01/2025, a forest fire started in Central African Republic, until 16/01/2025.

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