United States: On 12/8/2024 9:03:07 PM, an earthquake occurred in United States potentially affecting Few people affected in 100km. The earthquake had Magnitude 5.8M, Depth:131.2km. United States: On 12/8/2024 7:57:08 PM, an earthquake occurred in United States potentially affecting No people affected in 100km. The earthquake had Magnitude 6.3M, Depth:18km. : On 12/8/2024 6:07:48 PM, an earthquake occurred in [unknown] potentially affecting No people affected in 100km. The earthquake had Magnitude 5.6M, Depth:10km. Russia: On 12/8/2024 10:25:01 AM, an earthquake occurred in Russia potentially affecting No people affected in 100km. The earthquake had Magnitude 6M, Depth:207km. Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana: The Drought alert level is Green. Sudan: On 03/12/2024, a forest fire started in Sudan, until 08/12/2024. Australia: On 05/12/2024, a forest fire started in Australia, until 08/12/2024. Belarus, Georgia, Russia, Ukraine: The Drought alert level is Orange. Benin: On 28/11/2024, a forest fire started in Benin, until 08/12/2024. Sudan: On 04/12/2024, a forest fire started in Sudan, until 08/12/2024.

لا توجد حالياً أي فرص عمل متاحة،
ولكن لا تتردد في التواصل معنا للتقديم بغض النظر عن ذلك.

لم يتم العثور على الوظيفة
من نحن

نحن فريق من الأفراد الشغوفين الذين يهدفون إلى تحسين حياة الآخرين من خلال المنتجات الثورية. نقوم ببناء منتجات لا مثيل لها لحل كافة مشاكل أعمالك.