Australia: From 11/02/2025 to 13/02/2025, a Hurricane/Typhoon > 74 mph (maximum wind speed of 241 km/h) ZELIA-25 was active in SEIndian. The cyclone affects these countries: Australia (vulnerability Low). Estimated population affected by category 1 (120 km/h) wind speeds or higher is 21533 . : From 02/02/2025 to 13/02/2025, a Tropical Storm (maximum wind speed of 157 km/h) TALIAH-25 was active in SWIndian. The cyclone affects these countries: [unknown] (vulnerability [unknown]). Estimated population affected by category 1 (120 km/h) wind speeds or higher is 0 (0 in tropical storm). Indonesia: On 21/01/2025, a flood started in Indonesia, lasting until 13/02/2025 (last update). The flood caused 3 deaths and 102 displaced . Cocos (Keeling) Islands: From 01/02/2025 to 12/02/2025, a Post-tropical Depression (maximum wind speed of 253 km/h) VINCE-25 was active in SWIndian. The cyclone affects these countries: Cocos (Keeling) Islands (vulnerability [unknown]). Estimated population affected by category 1 (120 km/h) wind speeds or higher is 0 (0 in tropical storm). Peru: On 30/01/2025, a flood started in Peru, lasting until 12/02/2025 (last update). The flood caused 4 deaths and 0 displaced . Indonesia: On 17/11/2024, a flood started in Indonesia, lasting until 12/02/2025 (last update). The flood caused 37 deaths and 4190 displaced . New Caledonia: From 11/02/2025 to 12/02/2025, a Tropical Storm (maximum wind speed of 74 km/h) SIXTEEN-25 was active in SEPacific. The cyclone affects these countries: New Caledonia (vulnerability Medium). Estimated population affected by category 1 (120 km/h) wind speeds or higher is 0 (15205 in tropical storm). Australia: On 17/01/2025, a flood started in Australia, lasting until 11/02/2025 (last update). The flood caused 1 deaths and 0 displaced . Australia: On 03/02/2025, a forest fire started in Australia, until 11/02/2025. Sudan: On 04/02/2025, a forest fire started in Sudan, until 11/02/2025.

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